Worry and anxiety are natural feelings to have ahead of a performance review. But coming into the conversation prepared and with the right frame of mind can assuage your fears. Here’s what to do before, during, and after your next performance evaluation.

How to Prepare for Your Performance Review

When done well, performance appraisals can guide employees along their career path. Think of it in terms of what employees should stop, start and continue, recommends Ellen Slane, an HR business partner at Employers Advantage, an HR consulting firm. What should employees start doing to build on their skills; stop doing because it’s limiting their professional growth; and continue to do because it’s working well?

Build your performance story with:

  • Past performance reviews.
  • Your calendar and inbox.
  • Advice and constructive feedback from peers.

With just a week to get ready, focus on crafting your “performance story,” as Slane called it, pulling in the data and narrative that showcases your work. If you’ve filed away notes throughout the year about each completed project or goal reached, your self-evaluation may be nearly complete. If not, don’t try to build that narrative from memory, as you’ll likely miss details that way.

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