A Conversation with Carla Correia, Willmott & Associates, Inc.

What is your role at Willmott? What are you responsible for?

As a Senior Talent Development Consultant, I identify HR talent, aim to establish a connection and opportunity to add them to our pipeline of top candidates, and connect them to Willmott’s Senior Consultants to continue the relationship-building and placement process. My role also includes developing materials to advise candidates on resumes and LinkedIn profiles. Most recently, I’ve had the opportunity to work on special projects like elevating our diversity strategy and collaborating on Willmott’s upcoming 40th Anniversary plans!

How long have you been with the organization?

I worked intermittently for Willmott between 2008-2013, and then when my kids reached school age in 2013 I became a more official part of the Willmott team. It has been one of my best career decisions and I’m proud of our team’s average long-term tenure.

Tell us about your passions – professional and personal.

Professionally, I love those lightbulb moments when candidates understand not only the “how” of a process, but the “why” behind it…so that they are equipped in the future to leverage our guidance and support whether they are updating their resume on their own, out on an interview that they sought out individually, or meeting one of our client companies to explore an opportunity. I also love keeping up to date with the most current, creative ways to identify HR talent, having impactful exchanges with candidates, and ensuring that we are creating excellent, long-term relationships with candidates.

On a personal note, nothing tops my list of passions more than my kids! But when I’m not busy being mom and all that comes with that (especially cheering from the basketball bleachers and soccer sidelines, or driving to the ski slopes), I love camping, walking, working with our rescue dog and trainer, and traveling. Ireland tops my bucket list of destinations!

Your best advice for candidates/job seekers?

We could all write a book of tips and still not cover everything, but here are a few thoughts. Stay current with shifts in the job market and trends in job searching. You can do this through online articles and talking with industry experts like our Willmott team members. Two of the most critical things for job seekers to understand currently are 1) the role that ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) plays within companies/staffing teams and 2) the significance of your LinkedIn profile.

By learning about how ATS work, and how they are used to screen online applicants, you will understand the importance of optimizing your resume along with other important elements of the document.

When it comes to LinkedIn, I have had a number of friends, family members, and professional contacts comment “oh, I don’t have time for that” or “I don’t like social media”. When it comes to using social media socially/personally, of course it is optional. However, when it comes to the role that social media plays in business, LinkedIn is one of the most critical “professional social media” avenues for all professionals, but especially job seekers. Aside from networking with our established contacts and existing relationships, LinkedIn is our #1 go-to for identifying and networking with HR talent. It’s equally important to optimize your LinkedIn profile in a similar way to your resume. It may not have the same amount of content, and some of the content may vary, but be sure to stay current on tips for creating the most impactful LinkedIn profile regardless of whether you are actively searching or planning to stay in your organization for the time being.

Try to be impeccable in your details and preparation, and also your follow-up after your interviews, but when it comes to interview time be sure to also be yourself. If you have prepared well, then let your expertise and command of your field shine through, but also show your true personality. Be sure to treat the interview process like a two-way street. I always tell candidates that interviews should be seen as a sort of matching process. You are there to demonstrate how hiring you might be the best business decision for a potential employer, but be sure to also uncover whether that potential employer seems like a great fit for you and your career.